Friday, June 25, 2004


In the world of reality, we have one simple truth, and that is that truth is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their own unique perspective on truth, what the truth is, what happened, and what is going to be the result of it. That does not mean that everyone is nessicerally wrong, albeit many people lie for many different reasons, but quite often a different in people's versions of the truth, are a result in their different perspectives. A quote that I always fealt best depicts this is from a Sci-fi show called Babylon 5. "Reality is always a three edged sword, Your side, Their side, and the truth".

I have been browsing some of the other blogs on this service and have found quite a few interesting ones, for example one person claims to be Andy Kaufmann who has been in hiding faking his own death for 20 years. As you can well imagine there is no shortage of comments claiming that he is lieing, and several more congradulating him. Although I am not sure weather I beleive it myself, one thing kept nagging me in the back of my mind. Quite often people will try to disprove a story like that by saying something along the lines of "On line 3, paragraph 6 of such and such post, you claimed that so and so said such and such in 1973 when it actually happened ni 1974". In defence of this I would like to point out that if he is real, and this story is true, then we need to keep in mind that unlike someone posing as him, who has done research, probably has all the dates and quotes on a web page where they look it up, and know everything very accuratly, the real person wouldn't be researhing their own life before they post, they would use their own memory, and we all have gotten dates wrong from time to time. I myself have misquoted years or dates that things happened to me, and who's to say that Andy Kaufmann wouldn't do the same. I probably should be posting this as a comment on that blog, but I think it plays very much into this blog's topic, so I've included it here instead.

Although in the real world I don't meet very many people, however online I meet several intersing people from around the world. One person I would like to mention is starlitecosmos, I met her on and her profile listed her blog on here ( and I read a lot of the blogs she had posted, she was facing an issue where....well...if you want the story, it's best to go there and read it yourself, but regardless she was faced with an issue where a friend was doing something degrading and embarrasing, in public, and when she confronted her friend, her words - intended for private - were broadcasted to all her other friends as a form of retaliation. In a proper debate or argument, this is not only a breach of interest, it's childish. When you write someone a private e-mail, especially in hopes to help them realise a problem, you don't expect it broadcasted, it's not only rude, it's stupid, it proves to most people that YOU have a problem, and will most likely end up hurting you as much, if not more than the other person.

That's all for now, Keep on Bloggin.

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