Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Multi-Dimensional Reality, As it applies to god.

Of all the things I've ever lost I miss my mind the most, and a Mind is a terrable thing to waste, but My mind is over matter, and the most important matter is that I stop this insane ranting and get on with it.

I chose to contemplate existance in this blog, it will contain my thoughts, rants, ideas, and insights into that which we call existance. For example, how you ever considered why we are here, at first it may seem a noble question, the search for purpose when one has lost all other. Or perhaps simply to find meaning for one's own exstance. When you really break it down from a scientific perspective, the question "Why are we here" becomes a lot less philisophical and a lot more serious. We are not here with some grand purpose, or with some master plan (religeon aside), we are here, simply to procreate and continue the survival of our species.

This all makes logical sence, but then if that is true, humanity simply exists as a process of materials and nothing more. That view would state that we can't help but exist, since the initial formation of the cosmos, there were formed the basic atomic structures, and matter became reality. Eventually certain formations found other formations, and begin a process, that formed, and developed, like a math equation, simply getting more complex as it expands to compensate for effects, or grows to take in new factors. Certain structures of atoms combine, and begin to function together, as an organic structure and we have the beginnings of life. Eventually this process evolved untill it became cellular organisms, and on to animals, and on to humanoids. Then the only real intelligent question left in this case is... What's next?

But this doesn't sit right with me, not simply because it leaves me feeling empty and without purpose, but moreso that the unending paradox of "Where did it all come from". If we take time back to the "Big Bang" and the formation of the cosmos, we see an amazing explosion of matter, which brings to mind the question of, Whhere did that explosion come from? What Caused it? What Fueled it? Assuming space goes on in every direction for eternety, are there any more of them? have they happened earlier, or not even yet? Is our universe the result of a previous universe that collapsed in upon itself, and then exploded? or perhaps a gigantic star, exploding. Whatever be the case it requires that something had been there before that, and something before that, and something before that. Because one constant of a universe without god, is that you cannot create something from nothing. Which brings me to the next point.

God Must Exist. Science's own principles prove it, as there must be an eternety of time in the direction of the past, and the matter had to come from somewhere, there must be a higher plane of existance, or perhaps a higher dimension, and understanding that, something that lives above us in such an existance, could literally manipulate our existance however it may see fit. God may very well be nothing more (or less) then a severely advanced form of life. Picture this, imagine a life form as simple as an Ant, now make that ant 2 dimensional (not by crushing it, but assume it can exist this way). Now you can see all it can, you can see all of it's lenth, and width, but you can see something it cannot, you can see above and below it, It doesn't even understand above and below, it can't comprehend them, it may not even know they exist. So what then? you are a God to this ant, not yet.

So you understand things it cannot begin to fathom. But god not only understnds what we do not, he also has limitless effect on our reality. Taking this ant into consiteration, and the entire 2 dimensional universe he exists in, now imagine that you were more then just three dimensional, let's say you were 5 Dimensional, what I mean by this, is simply that you exist at all points in time, and in the 3 dimensinoal universe, everywhere, all at the same time. Furthering that, you can there for see objects as huge as our universe, and as tiny as an atom. because you exist everywhere, all the time, and similarly, you can manipulate anything. Now we have two factors, you are omnipotent, can do anything in our universe, and the ant is in a smaller form of understanding, the 2 dimensional universe, and since you can effect the 3-dimensional universe, and our ant's 2-dimensional universe exists within ours, you can effect it just as well. The ant perceives you as a god, and you not only effect his world limitlessly, are more intelligent then him, but also exist in a universe beyond his.

This is how I beleive god to exist, I beleive god is a being, that is extremely beyond our understanding, as we are flattened within our understanding of space and time, he may have several properties beyond that which are second nature to him, but far beyond us. Even our very concept of life and death may not apply to him, simply because his existance is different, everything we understand becomes rewritten the way his universe works. Even simple physics, are completly different there. Thus the beleife that when we die we go to heaven, would require a look into the human soal, it's perhaps a portion of our being that exists in this upper reality, that we do not yet fulyl understand, we are born with it under god's design, and it grows with us untill we die, and when we die, it seperates from our bodies, and carries our consiousness to god's realm. This scientific theory is the only sound one I can come up with that still allows for all of the bible's contents to be true, while not disagreeing with any of einstein's theories.

Keeping in mind that this is simply all my opinion, and is based on my limited understandings. I, as is everyone else, am constantly learning, and will probably one day expand on this idea, or possably disprove it and scrap it. However, as for now, I stand that it's the best idea I have.

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